More Ways to Donate
Individual Donors
Ready and Relevant needs people like you who are committed to supporting young women who need support for their educations! Here are some ways for you to contribute:
Employer Match
Ask your employer to consider matching your donation
Scholarship Sponsor
Scholarship Sponsors honor those who give $2,000 or more in a calendar year. The support of these committed individuals enables Ready and Relevant to provide critical support and services
Planned Giving
Will or Trust
You can designate a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or a particular asset for Ready and Relevant in your will or trust. You may include this sample language in your plan:
I give [___ dollars] [___% of my estate] [description of asset] to Ready and Relevant, a Minnesota nonprofit organization, for its unrestricted charitable use and purpose.
Beneficiary Designation
Simply name “Ready and Relevant, a Minnesota nonprofit organization” as a beneficiary, or partial beneficiary, of a retirement account, certificate of deposit, bank account, brokerage account, life insurance policy, or donor-advised fund.
Memorial Gifts
At a loved one’s passing, you can suggest donations be made to Ready and Relevant in lieu of flowers or gifts.
Other Gifts
There are many ways to support Ready and Relevant, including charitable remainder trusts, charitable gift annuities, charitable lead trusts, and giving gifts of cash and/or appreciated assets (stocks, bonds, real estate, and other property). These gifts are often part of a comprehensive estate plan and offer tax benefits to the donor.
Organizational Contributors
Ready and Relevant is committed to building and maintaining long-term relationships with strategic community alliances, organizations and corporate partners to support our mission in the following ways:
Scholarship Sponsor
Provide working capital funds of $2,000 or more per calendar year that can be channeled to provide scholarships, awards and ongoing support to Ready and Relevant.
Employee Engagement
Make a commitment to inform your workforce about the mission of Ready and Relevant by encouraging your employees to volunteer and donate.
Employee Matching
Match the contribution of your staff and colleagues to encourage their contributions to Ready and Relevant. Contact Ready and Relevant to ensure the fulfillment of your valuable match.